
【TED ED 中英双语】P63-

无论如何,你能相信比武的比分有多低吗?每支队伍至少要比一次赛,但是没有一场比赛 得分起来超过5分的!总之,我很快会回来复查你的记分卡。你也跟着笑了起来,当他离开的时候 你看了看部分填完的卡片,明白了卡片上的每个...

【TED ED 中英双语】P75-

And since the total area of the canvas is 64,the areas need to add up to that. Let’s make a list of possible rectangles and areas. To improve on our previous score,we can try to pick a range of values spanning...

【TED ED 中英双语】P30-

Another antimicrobial strategy is to add a lot of sugar,like in jam, or salt,like in salted meats. Sugar and salt hold on to water that microbes need to grow and actually suck moisture out of any cells that may...

【TED ED 中英双语】P76-

And a neat trick to figure out the amount of trailing zeros in a product is to count and add the trailing zeros in each of the factors – for example,10 x 100=1,000. 让我们来算一下 第二层的兔子数目,看看会发现...

《深入理解 JVM 3ed》读书笔记

while(true)vs.add(new OOMObject);} } 分析 GC Root 发现 com.ch02.HeapOOM 对象间接引用了大量的 OOMObject 对象,共占用 15.4MB 堆内存,无法回收最终导致 OOM 栈内存:-Xss 指定栈大小,当栈深度超阈值(比如未触发终止...

【TED ED 中英双语】P59-

Right now all three piles are odd,but you get to add an egg to one color,which means that it’ll be even and the other two will be odd. Whichever color you choose will always be the opposite parity of the other...


“当初就是抱着碰碰运气的心态报了这个ED,想着至少申了之后不留遗憾。“我觉得school research还挺重要的,除了排名之外可以多了解了解学校的理念和气质之类的,看看是不是和自己投缘…” 在留学申请阶段怎样才能不留遗憾?...


5.“H e hated us”,he repeated,overwhelmed with rage.(-ed 分词) (四)对话描写万能公式: Add deions to dialogue tags for emotion expression: 万能招式:Voice+Facial expression+Body language+Thought P ...


怎么才能打败命运,你还能为自己赢得什么财富呢?暂停一下,自己想一想。答案在3秒后揭晓, 答案在2秒后揭晓, 答案在1秒后揭晓。如果你想胜过命运,你需要从长远来看。接受16会给命运1、2、4和8。她绝对能拿到23、19、17和...

【TED-ED 700集】P33 tips to boost your confidence

VIDEO:【TED-ED 700集】B站最好英语合集,刷一遍绝对能让你英语口语起飞!P3"3 tips to boost your confidence"by Amy Adkinsboost:help or encourage(something)to increase or improve.00:16When faced with a big challenge...